
Purchases and Deliveries

Online Shopping


When making purchases on, we recommend that you:

- Read the information on our eBoutique below, as well as the prerequisites for purchases, delivery, and payment conditions.
- Familiarize yourself with the eBoutique's security conditions to ensure the safety of provided information.
- Keep a record of the information related to the completed purchase.
- Keep a record of financial information related to the transaction (transaction ID, authorization number).
- Ensure that unauthorized individuals do not have access to the confidential data of your credit card.
- Use a browser that supports SSL encryption.




To benefit from the discounts offered by the Latitudes bookstore during your purchases on our site, please send the necessary supporting documents by email ( A code will be sent to you within a maximum of one business day


Invoice Request


If you have requested an invoice, it will be sent to you by email or by post according to the instructions given during the order




Delivery costs vary depending on the weight; you will find the rates below:


Package Weight / Price Ft
0,1 - 2 kg : 2000
2,1 – 5 kg : 2500
5,1 - 10 kg : 2800
10,1 - 20 kg : 3000
20,1 - 25 kg : 3660
25,1 - 30 kg : 4500
30,1 - 40 kg : 6200




Complaints should be sent by email to
We undertake to respond to complaints within a period of 5 business days

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