
General terms and conditions

Managing company of Prélude bookstore:

MTB Retail Kft.

VAT number: 32324459-2-42 (Intra-community VAT number HU32324459)

Registration number with the Budapest Chamber of Commerce: Cg. 01-09-418187

Bank details:

K&H Bank Zrt.

HUF account number: 10400188-50527084-71511002 / HU42 1040 0188 5052 7084 7151 1002

EURO account number: HU68 1040 0188 5052 7084 7151 1019 / SWIFT - BIC: OKHBHUHB

Prélude bookstore website

We strive to keep the information on the website up to date and verify its accuracy, but errors are possible. We disclaim any responsibility for errors that may appear in the website's database. We make efforts to upload photos that accurately represent the presented item but disclaim any responsibility if the photo does not correspond to the product.

Personal Data Protection

MTB Retail Kft. - Prélude bookstore respects the confidentiality of your personal information and does not share it with other companies unless required by law. You can modify or delete this information at any time.

Product Compliance

In accordance with Articles 305 and 306 of the Ptk. law, we undertake to exchange apparently defective, damaged, or non-compliant products with your order promptly. If we cannot exchange the relevant products, we will offer a partial or total refund. We are unable to refund delivery costs. The delivery costs of exchanged products are entirely borne by MTB Retail Kft. We reserve the right to refuse exchange or refund in the case of minor defects.


  • Purchases can be exchanged within one month upon presentation of the receipt or invoice.
  • Claims must be sent by email to
  • We commit to responding to claims within 5 business days.

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